Carmel Arts Council Board meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, except for the months of July, August and December, at 5:30 p.m. in the Caucus Room of Carmel’s City Hall. Board members are expected to attend at least 2/3s of all monthly meetings during the calendar year.
Committee Work
Carmel Arts Council Board Members are expected to volunteer for at least 3 committees and attend committee meetings during the calendar year. CAC Board Members devote an average of 120 volunteer hours to the CAC board.
A CAC New Board Member is required to volunteer for only one committee but can opt to volunteer for others. All CAC New Board Members will be assigned a “mentor” for the purpose of guiding the new board member through their first year of membership in the CAC.
Children’s Art Gallery
CAC Board Members are expected to work at least one Sunday per year in the “World’s Smallest Children’s Art Gallery”. The Children’s Gallery is open, September through May, (throughout the school year) and when special events are held in the Arts and Design District.
CAC Events
CAC Board Members are expected to attend, financially support and provide help at the 3 major CAC events (Young Performers Showcase, the Artists’ Market, and the Gala fundraiser.)
Carmel International Arts Festival
CAC Board Members are expected to volunteer for one shift at this event which is held in September of each year. CAC Board Members are asked to assist in procuring sponsorships where feasible, promote the CAC and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times.
CAC board members are asked to pay yearly dues.